Wilson A2000 Series 11.75 Inch WTA20RF171175 Fastpitch Softball Glove 209.95 Wilson Fastpitch-specific WTA20RF171175 New comfort Velcro wrist closure for a secure and comfortable fit D-Fusion pocket pad creates no sting catch zone Pro stock leather for a long lasting glove and a great break-in Dual welting for a durable pocket Product Description The 11.75 Wilson A2000 is the ideal length for fastpitch middle infielders. Its shallow pocket allows you to quickly find the ball and transfer it from glove to hand so you can make the play. The Fastpitch A2000 lineup is created with the Custom Fit System so that every fastpitch player can have a glove that fits her hand, no matter how tight she wears it. The superior feel and durability come from the premium Pro Stock Leather that breaks in perfectly and lasts from one season to the next. D-Fusion padding is added just below the pocket to absorb the shock of hard line drives and screaming throws. - 11.75 Inch Model - Fastpitch-Specific Infield Model - New Comfort Velcro Wrist Closure - D-Fusion Pocket Pad - Pro Stock Leather - Dual Welting