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AllStar Vela 3 Finger FGSBV-12 Fastpitch Softball Glove 12 inch (Right Handed Throw) : In both baseball and softball, it's common for players to put two fingers inside their glove's pinky stall. This is done for numerous reasons, including making a larger, deeper pocket, and to make the glove feel longer by avoiding impact on the index finger. This grip style traditionally leaves the index finger slot open, which doesn't really leave you with a practical design. That's why All Star has introduced the Vela THREE FING3R Series of fastpitch softball gloves. They've designed this series around the popular three finger grip, and in the process have created one of the most unique designs to ever hit the softball diamond.All-Star Vela 3 Finger FGSBV-12 Fastpitch Softball Glove 12 inch (Right Handed Throw) 129.94 All-Star AllStar Vela 3 Finger FGSBV-12 Fastpitch Softball Glove 12 inch (Right Handed Throw) : In both baseball and softball, it's common for players to put two fingers inside their glove's pinky stall. This is done for numerous reasons, including making a larger, deeper pocket, and to make the glove feel longer by avoiding impact on the index finger. This grip style traditionally leaves the index finger slot open, which doesn't really leave you with a practical design. That's why All Star has introduced the Vela THREE FING3R Series of fastpitch softball gloves. They've designed this series around the popular three finger grip, and in the process have created one of the most unique designs to ever hit the softball diamond.

AllStar Vela 3 Finger FGSBV-12.5 Fastpitch Softball Glove 12.5 Inch (Right Handed Throw) : In both baseball and softball, it's common for players to put two fingers inside their glove's pinky stall. This is done for numerous reasons, including making a larger, deeper pocket, and to make the glove feel longer by avoiding impact on the index finger. This grip style traditionally leaves the index finger slot open, which doesn't really leave you with a practical design. That's why All Star has introduced the Vela THREE FING3R Series of fastpitch softball gloves. They've designed this series around the popular three finger grip, and in the process have created one of the most unique designs to ever hit the softball diamond.All-Star Vela 3 Finger FGSBV-12.5 Fastpitch Softball Glove 12.5 Inch (Right Handed Throw) 139.90 All-Star AllStar Vela 3 Finger FGSBV-12.5 Fastpitch Softball Glove 12.5 Inch (Right Handed Throw) : In both baseball and softball, it's common for players to put two fingers inside their glove's pinky stall. This is done for numerous reasons, including making a larger, deeper pocket, and to make the glove feel longer by avoiding impact on the index finger. This grip style traditionally leaves the index finger slot open, which doesn't really leave you with a practical design. That's why All Star has introduced the Vela THREE FING3R Series of fastpitch softball gloves. They've designed this series around the popular three finger grip, and in the process have created one of the most unique designs to ever hit the softball diamond.

AllStar Vela Pro CMW3000 33.5 Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt (Right Handed Throw) : Designed with high grad Maruhashi leather, this glove will be a bit stiff out of the box, but will break in fast and last for seasons. Single hinge design span class=a-list-itemHigh grade Maruhashi leather  /spanspan class=a-list-itemPro Guard Padding (PGP)  /spanspan class=a-list-itemIndex finger hood  /spanspan class=a-list-itemRecommended for elite travel ball through college/pro level play /span !--  Loading EDP related metadata -- div id=HLCXComparisonJumplink_feature_divstrongstrong/strong/strongThe All-Star Vela Pro Women's Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt is designed with high grade Maruhashi leather. This glove will be a bit stiff out of the box, but will break in fast and last for seasons. The single hinge design allows for more control and helps keep your thumb more protected than traditional double-hinge designs. This glove features an index finger hood, so you can have your index finger out for more padding, but still protected and covered. The Pro Guard Padding (PGP) provides just the right amount of padding in the palm. - Single hinge design - High grade Maruhashi leather - Pro Guard Padding (PGP) - Index finger hood - Recommended for elite travel ball through college/pro level playstrong!-- Used to set table width because AUI is overriding the width attribute of the tables coming in description --                                                             /strong/divAll-Star Vela Pro CMW3000 33.5" Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt (Right Handed Throw) 149.95 All-Star AllStar Vela Pro CMW3000 33.5 Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt (Right Handed Throw) : Designed with high grad Maruhashi leather, this glove will be a bit stiff out of the box, but will break in fast and last for seasons. Single hinge design span class=a-list-itemHigh grade Maruhashi leather  /spanspan class=a-list-itemPro Guard Padding (PGP)  /spanspan class=a-list-itemIndex finger hood  /spanspan class=a-list-itemRecommended for elite travel ball through college/pro level play /span !-- Loading EDP related metadata -- div id=HLCXComparisonJumplink_feature_divstrongstrong/strong/strongThe All-Star Vela Pro Women's Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt is designed with high grade Maruhashi leather. This glove will be a bit stiff out of the box, but will break in fast and last for seasons. The single hinge design allows for more control and helps keep your thumb more protected than traditional double-hinge designs. This glove features an index finger hood, so you can have your index finger out for more padding, but still protected and covered. The Pro Guard Padding (PGP) provides just the right amount of padding in the palm. - Single hinge design - High grade Maruhashi leather - Pro Guard Padding (PGP) - Index finger hood - Recommended for elite travel ball through college/pro level playstrong!-- Used to set table width because AUI is overriding the width attribute of the tables coming in description --                                                             /strong/div

This glove is recommended for elite travel ball through collegepro level play. All-Stars Vela Dual-Pro Catching Mitt is designed for fastpitch catcher's looking for a classic pattern with durability and fast break in. This mitt has a deep pocket that will increase performance and help cut the spin fast. Cowhide leather for optimal blend of firmness and softness. Dual-hinge heel design with dual post H-Web to help secure balls. Velcro closure for custom fit. 33 Inch Length.All-Star Vela Pro CMW4000 33" Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt (Right Handed Throw) 129.95 All-Star This glove is recommended for elite travel ball through collegepro level play. All-Stars Vela Dual-Pro Catching Mitt is designed for fastpitch catcher's looking for a classic pattern with durability and fast break in. This mitt has a deep pocket that will increase performance and help cut the spin fast. Cowhide leather for optimal blend of firmness and softness. Dual-hinge heel design with dual post H-Web to help secure balls. Velcro closure for custom fit. 33 Inch Length.