Rawlings Gamer XLE GB1150I Baseball Glove 11.5 Right Hand Throw 129.95 Rawlings spanAdd some style to your game with the Gamer XLE ball glove! With bold-brightly colored leather shells, the Gamer XLE series is ideal for athletes looking to flash some personality and style on the field. These gloves not only look good, but feature high-quality, authentic pro patterns and soft, full-grain leather shells to maximize defensive performance. Get emyourem Gamer XLE today, span strongspanGamer XLE Ball Glove Features: spanstrongspan style=font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;spanDual Core Technology spanspanspanPadded Thumb Loop spanspanAll-Leather Palm & Finger Back Linings spanspanTennessee Tanning Rawhide Leather Laces spanspanNarrow Fit spanspan11.5 Infield Pattern spanspanPro I-Webspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanstrongspanspanstrongspanememspan