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pThe ACM 39 Baseball Glove by Akadema is 12.75 inch pattern, H-web, open back, and has a deep pocket. The glove has a black palm and shell. The Torino Series performs even better than it looks. Akadema's newest glove line features Torino leather that enables the Torino Series to be lighter, yet just as durable. The Torino Series gloves break in quickly./pAkadema Torino ACM39 Baseball Glove 12.75 Right Hand Throw 199.95 Akadema pThe ACM 39 Baseball Glove by Akadema is 12.75 inch pattern, H-web, open back, and has a deep pocket. The glove has a black palm and shell. The Torino Series performs even better than it looks. Akadema's newest glove line features Torino leather that enables the Torino Series to be lighter, yet just as durable. The Torino Series gloves break in quickly./p