code adult batting gloves 1 pair white black adult x large heart of the hide series 715 fastpitch softball glove 11 75 right hand throw liberty advanced softball glove 11 75 i web gray black gold right hand throw star youth 9 12 players series catchers set black heart of the hide series baseball glove b harper gameday 13 left hand throw horween heart of the hide rv23 two tone baseball glove right hand throw freak primo 14 usssa maxload slowpitch softball bat 34 inch 28 oz mantra plus 11 fastpitch softball bat 32 inch 21 oz cat 9 5 pastime baseball bat 31 inch 26 oz demo

 slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are appro
1 slow pitch softbal
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h softballs have red stitching and are approved for play
itch softballs have red stitching and are approved for play in the ASA wit
slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are approved for play in the ASA with a .5
ch softballs have red stitching and are approved for
ese 11 slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are approved for play in the ASA with a .52
 slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are approved for play in the ASA wit
worth-11-inch-protac-hot-dot-asa-slowptich-softballs-1-dozen AHD11SY-DOZ Worth  These 11 slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are approved

  These 11 slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are approved for play in the ASA with a .52 COR/300 lb Compression. Worth Hot Dot softballs are designed to give players consistent hit distance at all temperatures especially true in hot weather conditions. Added to these softballs is the C-LOK adhesive and moisture barrier and then the Pro Tac synthetic leather cover.

Model Number: AHD11SY-DOZ Brand: Worth


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These Worth 11 inch PROTAC HOT DOT ASA Slowptich Softballs 1 Dozen These 11 slow pitch softballs have red stitching and are approved for play in the ASA with a .52 COR/300 lb Compression. Worth Hot Dot softballs are designed to give players consistent hit distance at all temperatures especially true in hot weather conditions. Added to these softballs is the C-LOK adhesive and moisture barrier and then the Pro Tac synthetic leather cover. AHD11SY-DOZ 64.99