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Wilson h
on has become the
me the undisputed ruler of sporting goods with awesome g
 become the undisputed ruler of sporting goods wit
me the undisputed ruler of sport
the undisputed ruler of sporting goods with
wilson-bucket-of-blem-baseballs-3-dozen-a1010s WTA1098X-OUT Wilson 026388207466 Wilson has become the undisputed ruler of sporting goods with awesome

  Wilson has become the undisputed ruler of sporting goods with awesome gear for every athlete no matter their game. Everything they make receives the same intensive craftsmanship and dedication to superior quality however sometimes a product doesnt come out as pretty as their demanding standards require. Blems as they are called have slight cosmetic blemishes which have no impact on performance. Wilson sells these products off at a huge discount and that means some incredible savings for you! These balls hit just like regulation baseballs making them excellent for practice or even just playing catch in the back yard. Jump on this amazing deal before theyre all gone! Features Professional Quality Baseball Very Minor Blemish Great Practice Ball Model A1010 High raised seams Premium grade full grain leather cover Premium quality wool windings Red cushioned cork center.   Super seam technology Grade A full leather Red cushioned cork with dura-core technology 3 dozen balls in a shiny white bucket Individual ball weight .36 lbs

UPC 026388207466
Model Number: WTA1098X-OUT Brand: Wilson


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Wilson Wilson Bucket of Blem Baseballs 3 Dozen A1010S Wilson has become the undisputed ruler of sporting goods with awesome gear for every athlete no matter their game. Everything they make receives the same intensive craftsmanship and dedication to superior quality however sometimes a product doesnt come out as pretty as their demanding standards require. Blems as they are called have slight cosmetic blemishes which have no impact on performance. Wilson sells these products off at a huge discount and that means some incredible savings for you! These balls hit just like regulation baseballs making them excellent for practice or even just playing catch in the back yard. Jump on this amazing deal before theyre all gone! Features Professional Quality Baseball Very Minor Blemish Great Practice Ball Model A1010 High raised seams Premium grade full grain leather cover Premium quality wool windings Red cushioned cork center.   Super seam technology Grade A full leather Red cushioned cork with dura-core technology 3 dozen balls in a shiny white bucket Individual ball weight .36 lbs WTA1098X-OUT 154.95 Ballgloves.com