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5.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed
eart of Hide leather. Woo
RP $355.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed BOA
.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wo
.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed BOA GD synthetic BO
art of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed BOA GD
rawlings-heart-of-the-hide-dual-core-pro301cdc-6bs-baseball-glove-12-5-right-hand-throw PRO301CDC-6BS-RightHandThrow Rawlings 083321487491 MSRP $355.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed BOA

  MSRP $355.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed BOA GD synthetic BOA. Deertouch padded thumb loops. Soft leather finger back lining. Deertanned cowhide plus palm lining. TT lacing. Rolled leather welting. New Stamping. Pro player game day.

UPC 083321487491
Model Number: PRO301CDC-6BS-RightHandThrow Brand: Rawlings


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MSRP Rawlings Heart of the Hide Dual Core PRO301CDC-6BS Baseball Glove 12.5 Right MSRP $355.50. Heart of Hide leather. Wool blend padding. Thermoformed BOA GD synthetic BOA. Deertouch padded thumb loops. Soft leather finger back lining. Deertanned cowhide plus palm lining. TT lacing. Rolled leather welting. New Stamping. Pro player game day. PRO301CDC-6BS-RightHandThrow 199.95 Ballgloves.com