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rawlings-catchers-mitt-rcm30tcb-33-inch-right-handed-throw RCM30TCB-Right Handed Throw Rawlings 083321230097 This Player Preferred Catchers Mitt from Rawlings Rawlings features the One

  This Player Preferred Catchers Mitt from Rawlings Rawlings features the One Piece Closed Web which creates maximum strength and durability. With its 33 pattern the glove forms a good pocket which makes it easier to control the ball and scoop up pitches in the dirt. This glove features a unique orange color border so that the pitchers can see the strike zone more clearly. The Player Preferred Series gloves are equipped with full grain leather shells and leather laces that require minimal break in .

UPC 083321230097
Model Number: RCM30TCB-Right Handed Throw Brand: Rawlings


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This Rawlings Catchers Mitt RCM30TCB 33 inch Right This Player Preferred Catchers Mitt from Rawlings Rawlings features the One Piece Closed Web which creates maximum strength and durability. With its 33 pattern the glove forms a good pocket which makes it easier to control the ball and scoop up pitches in the dirt. This glove features a unique orange color border so that the pitchers can see the strike zone more clearly. The Player Preferred Series gloves are equipped with full grain leather shells and leather laces that require minimal break in . RCM30TCB-Right Handed Throw 56.99 Ballgloves.com