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Set of 6 Weighted
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Set of 6 Weighted Baseballs Synthetic Cover  Build y
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Markwort Set of 6 Weighted Baseballs Syn
markwort-set-of-6-weighted-baseballs-synthetic-cover WTS-SET  New Markwort Set of 6 Weighted Baseballs Synthetic Cover  Build your

  Markwort Set of 6 Weighted Baseballs Synthetic Cover Build your arm strength with this set of weighted baseballs. Complete set of 6 weighted baseballs. One each 7 oz 8 oz 9 oz 10 oz 11 oz 12 oz.

Model Number: WTS-SET


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Markwort Markwort Set of 6 Weighted Baseballs Synthetic Cover Markwort Set of 6 Weighted Baseballs Synthetic Cover Build your arm strength with this set of weighted baseballs. Complete set of 6 weighted baseballs. One each 7 oz 8 oz 9 oz 10 oz 11 oz 12 oz. WTS-SET 48.00