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luggers NEW Maple fungo bats are ideal for
uisville Sluggers NEW Maple fungo bats are ideal for coaches who hit a lot of f
Sluggers NEW Ma
luggers NEW Maple fungo bats are ideal for coaches who hit a lot of fly balls a
louisville-slugger-maple-s345-maple-fungo-bat-35-inch WMS345A1735 Louisville 887768609320 Louisville Sluggers NEW Maple fungo bats are ideal for coaches who

  Louisville Sluggers NEW Maple fungo bats are ideal for coaches who hit a lot of fly balls and ground balls for their team. Their end-weight design and lighter weight mean you get more distance and speed with a lighter swing.

UPC 887768609320
Model Number: WMS345A1735 Brand: Louisville


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Louisville Louisville Slugger Maple S345 Maple Fungo Bat 35 inch Louisville Sluggers NEW Maple fungo bats are ideal for coaches who hit a lot of fly balls and ground balls for their team. Their end-weight design and lighter weight mean you get more distance and speed with a lighter swing. WMS345A1735 68.00 Ballgloves.com