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easton-mako-sl15mk9-baseball-bat-2-5-8-barrel-9-comp-28-inch-19-oz SL15MK9-28-inch-19-oz Easton 885002366831 Easton Mako 2 58 Barrel Baseball Bat. TCT Thermo Composite Technology

  Easton Mako 2 58 Barrel Baseball Bat. TCT Thermo Composite Technology offers a massive sweet spot and unmatched bat speed. The CXN Patented two-piece Conation technology maximizes energy transfer for optimized feel.

UPC 885002366831
Model Number: SL15MK9-28-inch-19-oz Brand: Easton


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Easton Easton Mako SL15MK9 Baseball Bat 2 5/8 Barrel -9 Comp 28-inch-19-oz Easton Mako 2 58 Barrel Baseball Bat. TCT Thermo Composite Technology offers a massive sweet spot and unmatched bat speed. The CXN Patented two-piece Conation technology maximizes energy transfer for optimized feel. SL15MK9-28-inch-19-oz 349.95