Anderson Brand Equipment vandal 2 3 baseball bat 31 inch 28 oz ascension m type baseball glove 42a2 11 25 i web right hand throw taiwan silver series 12 5 baseball glove red right hand throw player series 13 5 inch h web slowpitch softball glove right hand throw heart of the hide 11 75 single post color sync 6 baseball glove right hand throw cat x 10 baseball bat 27 inch 17 oz american kip 11 5 baseball glove black red right hand throw heart of the hide pro 204w 2 baseball glove 11 5 black gold right hand throw cat 9 composite 31 inch 26oz baseball bat demo

anderson-bat-company-rocketech-fp-9-fastpitch-softball-bat-32-inch-23-ounce 017022-32-Inch23-Ounce Anderson 874147005989 The Anderson RockeTech FP has a barrel weighted minus 9 swing

  The Anderson RockeTech FP has a barrel weighted minus 9 swing weight and is designed to take advantage of a strong fastpitch hitters skill and ability. Famous for its awesome long ball capabilities the RFP features an exterior-sleeve multi-wall design on a 2\xAC barrel and an optimized swing weight.

UPC 874147005989
Model Number: 017022-32-Inch23-Ounce Brand: Anderson


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The Anderson Bat Company RockeTech FP-9 Fastpitch Softball Bat 32-Inch/23-Ounce The Anderson RockeTech FP has a barrel weighted minus 9 swing weight and is designed to take advantage of a strong fastpitch hitters skill and ability. Famous for its awesome long ball capabilities the RFP features an exterior-sleeve multi-wall design on a 2\xAC barrel and an optimized swing weight. 017022-32-Inch23-Ounce 109.90