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anderson-ambush-slow-pitch-softball-bat-usssa-asa-34-inch-27-oz 011040-34-inch-27-oz Anderson 874147007389 The Anderson Ambush Slow pitch Bat Features One-Piece Design AB9000 Composite

  The Anderson Ambush Slow pitch Bat Features One-Piece Design AB9000 Composite Material Balanced Swing Available in 26oz. - 30oz. Approved for play in ASAISANSAUSSSA Bat Specifications Barrel 2 14 Certified ASA ISA NSA USSSA

UPC 874147007389
Model Number: 011040-34-inch-27-oz Brand: Anderson


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The Anderson Ambush Slow Pitch Softball Bat USSSA ASA 34-inch-27-oz The Anderson Ambush Slow pitch Bat Features One-Piece Design AB9000 Composite Material Balanced Swing Available in 26oz. - 30oz. Approved for play in ASAISANSAUSSSA Bat Specifications Barrel 2 14 Certified ASA ISA NSA USSSA 011040-34-inch-27-oz 99.00