Anderson Brand Equipment flex single wall slowpitch softball bat 26 oz skn select baseball glove 11 25 skn 200i right hand throw josh riley freak 9r 12 usssa supermax slowpitch softball bat 34 inch 27 oz r9 series baseball catchers mitt 1 piece solid web 32 5 inch right hand throw pro series 13 in slowpitch softball glove right hand throw vibe 10 baseball bat usssa 2 75 barrel 30 inch 20 oz blonde americankip baseball glove 12 75 right hand throw cypress m type baseball glove 11 75 basket web left hand throw code adult batting gloves 1 pair white red adult large

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 layered Composite for performance and durability ½ Ounce end load addi
-piece Multi layered Composite for performance and durability ½ Ounce end load
ayered Composite for performance and durability &frac1
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ti layered Composite for performance and durability ½ Ounce end load additional p
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anderson-2018-ambush-composite-slowpitch-softball-bat-34-in-28-oz 011046-3428 Anderson 874147008683 wo-piece Multi layered Composite for performance and durability ½ Ounce end

  wo-piece Multi layered Composite for performance and durability ½ Ounce end load additional power 14 Inch Barrel Length - Increased effective hitting surface Larger Sweet Spot Approved for play in ASA USSA NSA ISA Manufactures Warranty 1 Year against manufacture defects

UPC 874147008683
Model Number: 011046-3428 Brand: Anderson


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wo-piece Anderson 2018 Ambush Composite Slowpitch Softball Bat 34 in 28 oz wo-piece Multi layered Composite for performance and durability ½ Ounce end load additional power 14 Inch Barrel Length - Increased effective hitting surface Larger Sweet Spot Approved for play in ASA USSA NSA ISA Manufactures Warranty 1 Year against manufacture defects 011046-3428 149.99