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akadema-torino-apm42-catchers-mitt-32-5-right-hand-throw APM42-RightHandThrow Akadema  This 32.5 inch circumference Spiral-Lock web catchers mitt from Akadema has

  This 32.5 inch circumference Spiral-Lock web catchers mitt from Akadema has an open back. The deep Akadema Pro Thunder pocket designed for the professional catcher who likes the control and quickness of a 32.5 inch mitt. With the patented Stress Wedge technology located between the index finger and thumb the Praying Mantis offers shock absorbing protection for the hand against injury and sting when receiving the ball. The Praying Mantis also offers two additional Finger Hammocks allowing the fingers to be firmly positioned and more secure in the glove. Additional features include the Double-sided Slim Padding allowing for increased pocket size and easier ball retention. Uniquely designed shape allows the throwing hand easier access into the pocket resulting in a quicker glove to hand transfer and faster times to second base. The Praying Mantis also features a Double Flexhinge which makes the glove snap closed on contact.

Model Number: APM42-RightHandThrow Brand: Akadema


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This Akadema Torino APM42 Catchers Mitt 32.5 Right This 32.5 inch circumference Spiral-Lock web catchers mitt from Akadema has an open back. The deep Akadema Pro Thunder pocket designed for the professional catcher who likes the control and quickness of a 32.5 inch mitt. With the patented Stress Wedge technology located between the index finger and thumb the Praying Mantis offers shock absorbing protection for the hand against injury and sting when receiving the ball. The Praying Mantis also offers two additional Finger Hammocks allowing the fingers to be firmly positioned and more secure in the glove. Additional features include the Double-sided Slim Padding allowing for increased pocket size and easier ball retention. Uniquely designed shape allows the throwing hand easier access into the pocket resulting in a quicker glove to hand transfer and faster times to second base. The Praying Mantis also features a Double Flexhinge which makes the glove snap closed on contact. APM42-RightHandThrow 199.95