Wilson 2018 A2000 Ja27 Gm Infield Baseball Glove 11.5 Right Hand Throw

                                                            ">Jose Altuve’s game keeps getting better, and so does his gamer. The new JA27 features a new design for a more shallow pocket and easier access, and is built with a pro-laced T-Web to help with a faster transfer. Just like Jose’s game, it’s not to be missed. - 11.5 Inch Model - Game Model of Jose Altuve - Chevron Cross Web - Navy and Orange - Pro Stock Select Leather - New pattern featuring Gap Welting <!-- Used to set table width because AUI is overriding the width attribute of the tables coming in description -->                                                              Select This Item

$ 259.95

Jose Altuve’s game keeps getting better, and so does his gamer. The new JA27 features a new design for a more shallow pocket and easier access, and is built with a pro-laced T-Web to help with a faster transfer. Just like Jose’s game, it’s not to be missed. - 11.5 Inch Model - Game Model of Jose Altuve - Chevron Cross Web - Navy and Orange - Pro Stock Select Leather - New pattern featuring Gap Welting                                                             

Price 259.95
Model Number: WTA20RB18JA27GM-RightHandThrow
Brand: Wilson
UPC 887768614751
