Nokona Classic Walnut 13" Softball Glove (Right Handed Throw) Size 13"

Nokona Classic Walnut 13 Softball Glove (Right Handed Throw) Size 13 : Nokona's signature leather, Walnut Crunch is used to craft this series of softball gloves. Nokona has built its reputation on this legendary leather because it is sturdy and pliable, and has a traditional look and feel. Select This Item

$ 349.95

Nokona Classic Walnut 13 Softball Glove (Right Handed Throw) Size 13 : Nokona's signature leather, Walnut Crunch is used to craft this series of softball gloves. Nokona has built its reputation on this legendary leather because it is sturdy and pliable, and has a traditional look and feel.

Price 349.95
Model Number: WS-1300C-RightHandedThrow
Brand: Nokona
UPC 808808889663
